Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Saturday

It's funny how much more I enjoy weekends now that the wedding is behind me. I'm finally able to spend my weekends getting things done around the house and riding my horses. Not that I disliked planning my wedding and I certainly don't regret marrying my husband, but it's just nice to have my life back.

So far today, I spent my morning riding. It's really a beautiful day, but by 1 o'clock it was time to move things inside. I love Florida, but you really have to watch the heat. My poor pleasure mare, Lilly, was covered in sweat by the time we were done. I think she really enjoyed that cold water rinse afterwards. I put her out in the front paddock to enjoy the grass since she gave me such a nice ride. Today was the first day that she's truely slowed down at the lope. She kept her head down and her body collected on a loose rein. I'm so excited. She's still not as slow as she should be, but I love to see progress. It seems to come so slowly, but when it does it comes in leaps and bounds. Side passing is also much improved, btw. We've been working on it from the ground this past week and when I asked from the saddle today she did it easily both directions. I can't wait to get this mare into the show pen. She's going to blow everyone away.
Now I need to get cleaned up and run out to Davenport to look at a new cart for Dolly. Hopefully it'll work out.

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