Saturday, April 5, 2008

Amusing Animal Antics

Well, I promised amusing animal antics and the goats just couldn't stand to disappoint.

Let me set the scene. Last night, hubby comes home and immediately starts working on the fence. It isn't all that unusual since that's been the routine for the last several months. He finally comes in around 8:30 pm to tell me that electric has been run on the 4th wire of one paddock and it is now hot. Don't worry about the gap in the fence of said paddock, he got some gate panels and tied them in place. That should have been the first red flag. I love hubby dearly, but the Boy Scouts apparently never taught him to tie knots. Plus I'm pretty sure goats can and will untie anything. That or they just stand on it until it gives way.

So I wake up this morning to Greta (my greyhound cross) whining and barking out the window. I'm thinking there's a cat because that's what she's usually whining and barking at out the window. Nope, it's goats standing on my front porch. Lovely. And all I can think about is all the new landscaping I just did in the front yard. Also remember my fear of having them eat my roses since I had been feeding them cut roses from the wedding. Well, good news, other than pulling a pot of ivy off the picnic table and knocking some leaves off the roses, everything else seems to be intact.

Anyway, so I throw on jeans and a t-shirt, grab my shoes, and run outside. One reason I like these goats is that they're easy to catch. Of course, that is because they're so damn spoiled. So they come right to me and I grab their collars. The front paddock, while not-electrified yet, seems to hold them pretty well, so I led them over there. I need to have a talk with hubby. He clips the gate chain as tight as he possibly can so that the gate won't move. But then it won't unclip. Especially when I'm trying to hold on to two goats. I ended up having to let go of both goats. Again, luckily, they're easy to catch. Once the gate was opened, I grabbed Bella's collar and called for Rusty. Once Rusty realized Bella was going with me, he trotted on through the gate and I once again had both goats contained. I needed them to eat some acorns in the front paddock for me anyway.

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