Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween was fun. On Thursday, we went to a party at our dog trainer's place. Nothing like torturing dogs for the amusement of others. Naturally, we were late. We missed all the games, but it was still a lot of fun. Our friends Bonnie and Dave were there with two of their dogs. Their Dobbie, Akima, was so well behaved. She's not in training there, but everyone got a kick out of her. She makes me like Dobbies. Greta went dressed like a witch, but you can't tell in any of the pictures because it's as black as she is. Woody went dressed as a football ruf-fur-ee. He was adorable as always. The boy lives for attention. The only downside is that Matt was right about his cosutme: not made for a boy. He peed all over it. Oops. Matt went dressed in his cow costume. Surprisingly, the dogs did not growl at him. However, he ended up taking it off because he realized that you can't see what the dog's doing when you have the giant head on. I went in my fail-safe elf costume. It was a hit as always. Plus the cape was so warm now that the nights are getting cold.

Then Friday we went to Miss Kitty's dressed as Frankenstein's monster and his bride. We didn't win anything, but we still got a lot of compliments. Most of the night we hung out with our neighbors at the bar and learned all the Brooksville gossip. Plus we got to know our neighbors better. That was probably the best part. We then ended up hanging out at their house Saturday and today. Makes for a cheap weekend. But we did bring a couple horses by today for pony rides for the birthday party. They fed us cake, what more can you ask for?

Matt also took some time this weekend to learn how to drive a horse. It was an interesting process. Imagine my surprise when I looked outside today to see him walking Dolly around with the cart hooked to her. Guess I forgot to tell him that he should always have assistance when hooking a horse to a cart for the first time. Not first time for her, but it is for him. Plus it's been a while since she was worked. She was nice and stubborn because of it. It all went well and no one was injured in the taking of these pictures. Well, hate to make this brief, but it's way past my bed time.

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