Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I'm sick, so it looks like I'm staying home today. Not a big loss. I don't particularly enjoy spending Thanksgiving at my father-in-law's house. It's mostly due to his wife, but I don't really want to get into it. If I wasn't sick, I would still go. As it is, I can't talk and would rather lay low under my heating blanket. I do have a little more energy then I did yesterday, so I'm working on cleaning the house and making a Thanksgiving dinner of our own. I need to get rolling though if we plan on eating some time today.
I'm not overly surprised that I'm a walking petri dish. This happens almost every time I travel, especially in winter when the climates are so different. Kansas City was very dry and I had a bloody nose all week. I also came home with chapped hands and lips. Then Monday the scratchy throat started. By Tuesday morning it hurt to talk and swallow. I suffered through a day of work, but ran by CVS for a strep test. Came back negative which I guess is a good thing. Down side is that it means I have to wait it out and can't just get antibiotics. It's starting to look like a monster of a sinus infection. I'm not sleeping well. I have a little cough syrup with codeine left from the last time I was sick. It seems to be helping, but I only have one dose left. I'll probably need to go to the doctor tomorrow if I don't feel any better.
Kansas City wasn't bad. The BBQ is awesome. I would have been happier if I was there as a civilian. Aside from the usual BS that associates the military, there was some contention between the military and the civilian emergency managers. I tried to network with the civilians as much as possible and I think I made a good impression. I didn't see many more of the military members making the same attempts. I did get a little annoyed that I was left playing babysitter for the week. The guy wanted to take every woman who gave him the time of day home with him. You could tell these girls were uncomfortable which he attempted to flirt with them. And then I get to hear about how he wants to take each one of them home with him. And what makes you think these girls would even want to go on a date with you? They were already regretting saying hello, which since they were there as sales people was kind of a requirement of their jobs. It's not like he was in any way charming or attractive. Then he tells me that it's my job to find a single woman to join the shop for him. Umm, yeah, I am not taking part in the sexual harassment suit that would likely follow. I was so glad to come home.
In other news, the law of threes is in effect again. You see, when it comes to my life, all things good and bad come in threes. This law holds especially true when it comes to my ex's. I haven't had it happen with my ex's in quite some time, but every time I hear from one out of the blue it is almost guaranteed that I will hear from two others. It comes as an even greater surprise when I have moved 1000 miles away and changed my e-mail, name, and phone number. Yet, somehow they go out of their ways to find me. It's not always bad. For one, it's good for me to see that I can have a civil conversation with them without getting all wrapped up in my emotions. And I can see all the reasons that my life is better now because I am no longer with them. There is only one ex in particular that I truly hate for the way he used and manipulated me when we were together. He was abusive, both mentally and physically, and I have tried very hard to forget he was ever a part of my life. Naturally, he's one of the ex's who is almost sure to contact me during the law of threes. He likes to see if he can still get to me. I am happy to say that this time he will not get so much as a reply.
He contacted me on myspace today to let me know that one of his friends killed himself. This is one of his friends who was the world's biggest ass when I was with him. He was also a severe alcoholic. It got to the point that I liked him better drunk then sober. Does it make me a bad person for considering the world a better place now that he's not in it? But that's not the ex who threw me for a loop. There was another who broke up with me after two years over an e-mail. I will admit that the break up was a long time coming, and I know how that it was for the best, but it hurt that he refused to talk it out or even see me afterwards. I fell into a deep depression and eventually made the decision to move to Florida to escape his memory. I see now that it was all for the best, but it still took a long time for me to get over it. Part of what helped me was the thought that he wanted to forget about me. Imagine my surprise when I get an e-mail out of no where apologizing for him being such a jerk when we broke up six years ago. He actually googled my name to get my current e-mail. It really surprised me. We e-mailed back and forth a couple times and then he dropped off the map again, as quickly as he appeared. I'm trying not to think about it too much. I really think it was the surprise of it all that threw me for such a loop.
It was about three weeks between the two contacts. That means it'll probably be three more weeks before I hear from someone else. It makes me wonder who will be the third to contact me. I've only had a few truly serious relationships, but it would probably be even more surprising to have one of those very short term relationships contact me. I know, I'm sure everyone thinks I'm crazy for believing in this stuff. I'm not some weird religion or anything, I'm a Christian, but I do believe in the power of numbers. Take a look at your own life and you may find patterns as well. All things good and bad comes in threes. 19 is my lucky number because significant events in my life happen on the 19th of the month. I also think that seven is the number of perfection. It's a little creepy if you think about it.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I rock the grill
Sometimes it's a good thing to be told that you suck after your husband finished his dinner. That would be because I made an awesome dinner tonight which included steak that kicked his steak grilling butt. Literally, he told me he's supposed to be king of the grill, not me. hahaha Dinner was very good though. I wish I could stay home more often. Maybe one of these days. I marinated the steaks in Tabasco sauce, A-1, sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Then I also steamed asparagus in the skillet with olive oil, crushed garlic, and sea salt and threw red potatoes in the oven with olive oil, rosemary, and sea salt. Yum. I was worried that the steak would be too spicy, but it was just right. I timed it on the grill so I wouldn't over cook it, six minutes on each side. Matt swears that the only reason the steak was that juicy was because I marinated it. Maybe, but I don't think that's the whole reason. I will say one thing though: from now on I'm getting all of my steaks from the butcher case. I love hand picking my steaks and they really do seem to be better quality and fresher. Plus I can better control my portion sizes that way.
Not much else to share. Like I said, I stayed home today. My stomach has really been acting up the last couple days. I don't think it liked the butter popcorn I had yesterday. I guess I can put that on my list of foods I can't eat since having surgery. It looked like a beautiful day for a ride, but I stayed inside. I did get a little housework done though. I wish I could have done more, but I guess something is better than nothing. And of course I had the opportunity to make a wonderful dinner that I usually don't have the time or energy to make. I was about to beat the dogs though. I didn't feel good and really wanted to sleep. They wanted to spend the whole morning barking. In fact, on at least one occasion I think they were barking at me because I was still in bed. I put the shock collar on Greta and that helped the problem tremendously. Greta knows better than to bark with it on and Woody doesn't bark nearly as much if he doesn't have another dog to bark with him. But now it's time to drag the hubby away from his study materials and have him come to bed. For having slept all day, I'm tired.
Not much else to share. Like I said, I stayed home today. My stomach has really been acting up the last couple days. I don't think it liked the butter popcorn I had yesterday. I guess I can put that on my list of foods I can't eat since having surgery. It looked like a beautiful day for a ride, but I stayed inside. I did get a little housework done though. I wish I could have done more, but I guess something is better than nothing. And of course I had the opportunity to make a wonderful dinner that I usually don't have the time or energy to make. I was about to beat the dogs though. I didn't feel good and really wanted to sleep. They wanted to spend the whole morning barking. In fact, on at least one occasion I think they were barking at me because I was still in bed. I put the shock collar on Greta and that helped the problem tremendously. Greta knows better than to bark with it on and Woody doesn't bark nearly as much if he doesn't have another dog to bark with him. But now it's time to drag the hubby away from his study materials and have him come to bed. For having slept all day, I'm tired.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Daily Musings
Pizza Bites are the dinner of champions. I have all kinds of healthy food in the fridge. Really, black eyed pea soup would have been easier and faster to cook then Pizza Bites, but Pizza Bites are what we ate. And I wonder why I can't lose weight.
Well, around here Mondays are dog training night. Tonight we were building jumps, so the dogs stayed home. It was fun to just hang out and relax. I put my jump together, but quickly passed it off to hubby so he could glue it. Not sure if that was such a good idea. I swear the boy had a glue high the rest of the night. He was even more hyper and obnoxious than usual. Afterward we went to the grocery store. I was very good about staying with my grocery list, but I still spent more then I would have preferred. That's also how we ended up with the aforementioned Pizza Bites. They were buy one get one free. We got home and I swear our dogs were on crack. Greta was using me as a spring board while she went running and jumping around. I showed her the new jumps and she gave them a spin.
Well, I'm glad the temperatures are pretty nice right now, not too cold, not too hot, because I think our air compressor went out. Since it runs both the heat and air that means that we don't have either. It was a little chilly for a few nights there. Thankfully, the furry animals were more than happy to sleep on top of me to keep me warm. Plus we had the space heater and heating blanket. Yes, I was cold. Yes, I live in Florida. No, I don't care how cold it gets in Ohio. I'm afraid to have someone come out and look at the compressor. We can't afford another expensive fix right now. Home ownership is highly overrated.
Well, around here Mondays are dog training night. Tonight we were building jumps, so the dogs stayed home. It was fun to just hang out and relax. I put my jump together, but quickly passed it off to hubby so he could glue it. Not sure if that was such a good idea. I swear the boy had a glue high the rest of the night. He was even more hyper and obnoxious than usual. Afterward we went to the grocery store. I was very good about staying with my grocery list, but I still spent more then I would have preferred. That's also how we ended up with the aforementioned Pizza Bites. They were buy one get one free. We got home and I swear our dogs were on crack. Greta was using me as a spring board while she went running and jumping around. I showed her the new jumps and she gave them a spin.
Well, I'm glad the temperatures are pretty nice right now, not too cold, not too hot, because I think our air compressor went out. Since it runs both the heat and air that means that we don't have either. It was a little chilly for a few nights there. Thankfully, the furry animals were more than happy to sleep on top of me to keep me warm. Plus we had the space heater and heating blanket. Yes, I was cold. Yes, I live in Florida. No, I don't care how cold it gets in Ohio. I'm afraid to have someone come out and look at the compressor. We can't afford another expensive fix right now. Home ownership is highly overrated.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Matt also took some time this weekend to learn how to drive a horse. It was an interesting process. Imagine my surprise when I looked outside today to see him walking Dolly around with the cart hooked to her. Guess I forgot to tell him that he should always have assistance when hooking a horse to a cart for the first time. Not first time for her, but it is for him. Plus it's been a while since she was worked. She was nice and stubborn because of it. It all went well and no one was injured in the taking of these pictures. Well, hate to make this brief, but it's way past my bed time.
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