Thursday, November 6, 2008

I rock the grill

Sometimes it's a good thing to be told that you suck after your husband finished his dinner. That would be because I made an awesome dinner tonight which included steak that kicked his steak grilling butt. Literally, he told me he's supposed to be king of the grill, not me. hahaha Dinner was very good though. I wish I could stay home more often. Maybe one of these days. I marinated the steaks in Tabasco sauce, A-1, sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Then I also steamed asparagus in the skillet with olive oil, crushed garlic, and sea salt and threw red potatoes in the oven with olive oil, rosemary, and sea salt. Yum. I was worried that the steak would be too spicy, but it was just right. I timed it on the grill so I wouldn't over cook it, six minutes on each side. Matt swears that the only reason the steak was that juicy was because I marinated it. Maybe, but I don't think that's the whole reason. I will say one thing though: from now on I'm getting all of my steaks from the butcher case. I love hand picking my steaks and they really do seem to be better quality and fresher. Plus I can better control my portion sizes that way.

Not much else to share. Like I said, I stayed home today. My stomach has really been acting up the last couple days. I don't think it liked the butter popcorn I had yesterday. I guess I can put that on my list of foods I can't eat since having surgery. It looked like a beautiful day for a ride, but I stayed inside. I did get a little housework done though. I wish I could have done more, but I guess something is better than nothing. And of course I had the opportunity to make a wonderful dinner that I usually don't have the time or energy to make. I was about to beat the dogs though. I didn't feel good and really wanted to sleep. They wanted to spend the whole morning barking. In fact, on at least one occasion I think they were barking at me because I was still in bed. I put the shock collar on Greta and that helped the problem tremendously. Greta knows better than to bark with it on and Woody doesn't bark nearly as much if he doesn't have another dog to bark with him. But now it's time to drag the hubby away from his study materials and have him come to bed. For having slept all day, I'm tired.

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